Representatives of the European Union Commission and the UNODC Iran Country Representative Discussed Partnership in Drug Prevention and Treatment for At-Risk Vulnerable People and Children in Iran

 Representatives of the European Union Commission and the UNODC Iran Country Representative Discussed Partnership in Drug Prevention and Treatment for At-Risk Vulnerable People and Children in Iran

UNODC Iran Country Representative, Mr. Alexander Fedulov, met with partners of the European Union Commission. The representatives from the EU Country Desk for Iran in the European External Action Service; the Directorate General International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) together with the Health Unit and the Directorate General Home, Organized Crime and Drug Policy Unit have discussed possible EU cooperation with UN in the Islamic Republic of Iran related to drug prevention and treatment among children and women, harm reduction and trafficking in human beings. The meetings were arranged thanks to the UNODC Brussels Liaisons Office (BRULO), AVA Diplomatic reports.

Mr. Fedulov had meetings with the EU partners in his capacity as UNODC Iran Country Representative and as the Chair of the Pillar 4- “Drug Control” Working Group under the United Nations Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2017-21 in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The UNDAF Pillar 4 provides a programmatic collaboration platform in the area of drug prevention and treatment to its three member agencies in Iran – UNODC, UNICEF and WHO. Under the Working Group of Drug Control, the three member UN agencies are planning to join forces aiming at preventing and alleviating suffrage of children and their families as related to drugs within the three agencies mandates’. In this context, a joint project proposal entitled: “Protecting children and youth from the harms of drugs” has been introduced to EU partners.

This proposed project aims to address the issue of drug use as related to children and their families. The problem of drug use in Iran continues to spread namely among children, youth and women, especially among family members of people who are currently using drugs. Under the UNDAF Iran (2017-2021) Pillar 4 – “Drug Control” this proposed project shall focus on capacity development, supporting the introduction of needs-based services, improving knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, and enhancing advocacy and networking as cornerstones for day-to-day practice related to drug use prevention and treatment among children, youth and their families. It is expected that, as the result at-risk children, youth and their family members have access to comprehensive drug use preventive and treatment services, and are empowered to address their psychosocial needs. Moreover, the proposal envisages that managers, professionals and service providers will be empowered in delivering drug prevention and treatment services to at-risk children and their families.

During his presentations, Mr. Fedulov gave an analytical assessment of developments on the ground as related to the issue of illicit drugs and human trafficking in Iran. He then gave an account on suggested remedy action to protect children and their family members affected by the problem of illicit drugs directly or indirectly through the proposed actions under the joint proposal. Mission of UNODC Representative to Brussels was welcomed by the EU partners who are considering the UN project proposal for possible funding. The funding shall be used for the UN coordinated action of humanitarian nature for the support of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in addressing needs of the vulnerable children and their families on the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. Parties agreed to continue consultations on further coordinated steps for further implementation of joint project in Iran.


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