UNODC Country Representative Highlighted The Importance Of Applying Preventive Policies And Supported National Anti-Corruption Efforts In Line With Mandates Of UNCAC
![UNODC Country Representative Highlighted The Importance Of Applying Preventive Policies And Supported National Anti-Corruption Efforts In Line With Mandates Of UNCAC](
On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day 2018, Mr. Alexander Fedulov, UNODC Iran Country Representative, attended the ceremonial meeting which was planned and programmed in partnership with the representations of the International Chamber of Commerce, Iran Chamber of Commerce Industries Mines and Agriculture, Tehran Chamber of Commerce Industries Mines and Agriculture and University of Science and Industry. The meeting hosted 100 representatives of companies, industries and enterprises as well as non-governmental organizations and academicians, AVA Diplomatic reports.
In his remarks, Mr. Masoud Khansari, Chairman of Tehran Chamber of Commerce Industries Mines and Agriculture underlined application of transparency among and within governmental bodies as the main expectation of private sector and highlighted necessity of holding further cooperation between government and private sector. He referred to setting crosscutting rules of procedures and regulations as key impediments which have hampered local businesses.
Mr. Alexander Fedulov referred to 2018 as the year for marking the 15 th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. He stated that this international treaty is an indicative of the United Nations’ concern about the problems and threats posed by corruption to stability and security of societies, institutions and value of democracy, ethical values and justice, sustainable developments and rule of law. Recalling national developments, he stated that there has been significant progress in combating corruption locally. He used the opportunity to congratulate the Islamic Republic of Iran for empowering Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture to tackle corruption by developing a national anti-corruption model consisting of domestic strategy and operational measures. He underlined the unique characteristics of UNODC Country Partnership Programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran 2016-2019 and called it a modernized document, prepared in line with the national policy, operational measures, domestic requirements and international developments.
H.E. Mrs. Laya Joneidi, Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Legal Affairs expressed her support to the multilateral cooperation among governmental bodies, private sector, UNODC and academia. She outlined drafting a comprehensive bill on transparency and a bill on management of conflicts of interests for governmental officials and representatives of private sector as the two recent efforts to tackle subjects of corruption effectively. She referred to the importance of international relations and impacts on economic and financial affairs and provided brief information on governmental efforts to incorporate provisions of UN conventions and international instruments to national laws, in line with the fundamental principles of legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.