“Doors are open to All Interested Iranians, expanding the ties between the Azerbaijan and Iran” Promises Azerbaijan’s Consul General.

 “Doors are open to All Interested Iranians, expanding the ties between the Azerbaijan and Iran” Promises Azerbaijan’s Consul General.

The Consul General of Azerbaijan to Tabriz was the head of the Department of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. Being in charge of the supervision over four Northern provinces of Iran, Ali Alizadeh has managed to establish well-grounded relations with the people thereof in so intimate a way that he presumes Tabriz to be his hometown. To find a more meticulous look at the economic relations between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Consulate’s services as for issuing visas for Iranian citizens, we held an interview with Mr. Ali Alizadeh, the Consul General.

AVA Diplomatic’s Exclusive Interview with, Ali Alizadeh,

Azerbaijan’s Consul General in Tabriz

Interview by Mohammadreza Nazari

You have been in charge of Azerbaijan’s Consulate in Tabriz for almost 4 years; what have been your most significant managerial priorities?

A great deal has been accomplished thus far, and there is still a lot more to come. Our relations with the new government in Iran are of a rather fine quality and as you may as well know, during such a short while, the Presidents of Iran and Azerbaijan have met twice and exchanged views toward extended developmental aspects. We, too, are responsible to arrange negotiations and also fulfill diplomatic needs on behalf of our respective country.

Your realm of duty covers pursuing the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in four Iranian provinces of Eastern Azerbaijan, Western Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Gilan. What are the practical measures you have taken as to promote the relations between the two nations of Iran and Azerbaijan?

Iran and Azerbaijan have pretty much a lot in common. Both share the same historical, religious, lingual and cultural backgrounds. We also own many spiritual commonalities. In these very four years I served as the consul general here, I have tried to implement a developmental approach on all four provinces under my duty with the Republic of Azerbaijan, and there have been lots of accomplishments as well. In cooperation with the four provinces, we have embarked on numerous projects, which, nonetheless, are not sufficient if you ask me. I believe such collaborations have to be elevated as much as possible.

What is the top-priority project you are currently working on?

I would like to name some of those which we accomplished over the past 4 years, and of course, I can remember. One of them was the Baku-Tabriz direct flight. First, only 2 flights a week used to be conducted; but now, the number has gone up to three every week. Also, I can tell you about the Azerbaijan-Iran Cultural Week in Tehran and Tabriz which is held on an alternate basis between the two countries. Moreover, we have conducted some joint projects with Western Azerbaijan and Ardebil, including the eased border transportations, the beginning of ground transportations between Iran and Azerbaijan and many other mutual trips. Some other bills have been approved of, too. As you well know, the target region for the activities of Azerbaijan’s Consulate is of paramount importance in Azerbaijan-Iran relations, therefore Iran’s Eastern Azerbaijan possesses a very strategic location too.

Speaking of holding cultural weeks between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, when was the last time such a week was celebrated?

It goes back to 2010, and the occasion was held in both Tehran and Tabriz in a parallel manner.

Don’t you think a three-year gap for such an event is much too long a break?

You should know that the cultural weeks are designed to be held on an alternate basis. First, the cultural week of Azerbaijan was held in Iran. The following year, Azerbaijan hosted the cultural week of Iran, and this year, we have planned to hold the cultural week of Azerbaijan in Iran once again.

Iran’s Ambassador in Azerbaijan had spoken of the preparations for the celebrating of the cultural week of Azerbaijan in Iran. Did you hear about it?

The talks have been smoothly going on, and I hope, just like how it went in 2010, this year, we manage to celebrate the occasion in Tehran or another city or province which is under the supervision of our consulate. But where to host it relies totally on how the talks work out. As far as I have been informed, there has not been any certain place decided upon yet.

In your opinion, which aspect of the cultural potentials between the two countries can be promoted in any of these four provinces?

Both countries enjoy quite rich cultures and histories. We always seek to extend the cultural interactions. Presenting a clear image of the cultures of Iran and Azerbaijan is a must. The Republic of Azerbaijan, of course, holds a lot of events to familiarize different people with its culture. Iran, as an Islamic country, is of significant importance for Azerbaijan and we strive to introduce more of its culture to Iran.

What have your measures been to introduce your culture to Iran?

We held many exhibitions and cultural festivals during the recent years. However, such events can be expanded into different areas.

Tourism has always been a key factor in heightening cultural exchanges. How many tourists make their annual trips to Iran from Azerbaijan?

That is indubitably true; nevertheless, there are a great many other aspects to pursue the cultural exchanges in addition to tourism, which we have made suggestions in their regards before, including mutual trips of cultural institutes from both countries, holding concerts and artistic features, establishing communications between libraries in the two countries, etc.

Although the Republic of Azerbaijan takes part in musical programs such as Eurovision, it tries to extend the belief of Islamic culture in the world. What do you think about this?

That is true, no doubt. As mentioned earlier, Iran and Azerbaijan both share rich cultural backgrounds, and this culture needs to be advertised. Azerbaijan works on the developments (spread) of Islamic culture, too. In recent years, in Paris’s Louver Museum, Azerbaijan has advocated the sections of Islamic culture. Azerbaijan is the first muslim country which has succeeded in holding exhibitions in Vatican and did other things for the spreading Islamic culture.

Islamic countries vary from one another in terms of their cultural approaches and democracy. Is there any specific priority for Azerbaijan regarding the developing of Islam?

In Azerbaijan, religion is totally separate from the government, and that has been stressed in the country’s constitution, too. But Islamic values are important to us. Azerbaijan has an open atmosphere which can serve as a successful role model to many.

As you stated, religion and politics are two entirely separate categories; do you have any plan in particular to expand such a model?

First of all, allow me to say that Azerbaijan does not interfere with any countries’ interior affairs, which means it implements its independent policies, and expects the same approach from other countries as well.

Of the various economic projects conducted between the two countries, we can refer to the border bridge in Jolfa region. How long did it take to be completed? What is its current state?

The Bridge of Jolfa is considered to be a significant project which has been built in one year and a half. Once the official agreements were reached, it was opened to the public, and now can set an example of the kind.

Hence, it can be mentioned as an achievement of your time as the Consul General here.

This bridge is a joint product of the both countries’ collaboration.

Are there more of such projects in the works at the moment?

We have huge bills to pursue, of course, for the two countries are highly potential. In the recent talks between the Presidents of the two countries, these potentials were referred to and emphasized and the necessary arrangements have been ordered to be made accordingly.

Is it possible to name some of them now?

An agreement to build a power plant, named “Ardubad Marazad”, has been signed, the Iranian section of which is located in Eastern Azerbaijan.

Did the Republic of Azerbaijan assume the investments in the foresaid project?

The Iranian agents are in charge of the related matters of the project in Iran, and the Azerbaijani agents are responsible to handle the tasks in Azerbaijan. This is a project of building a joint power plant. Also, at the meeting between the FMs of the three (Azerbaijan-Iran-Turkey)  countries, the conjoining of the railroads of Baku-Tiflis-Ghars to those of Nakhchivan-Jolfa-Tabriz has been discussed, included in the statement signed by the FMs Surely, the implementation of such projects contributes to the development of ties between the two countries.

Is there a certain deadline for the completion of the projects?

The railroads of Baku-Tiflis-Ghars are planned to start in 2015, and the expansion of this railroad to Nakhchivan has also been agreed upon. As you know, the distance between Nakhchivan and Jolfa in Iran is very short, and railroads already exist between these two. So, to connect these two countries will not be too difficult of a task.

After the final demise of the Soviet Union, waves of investments found their ways to Azerbaijan one after another, and that is a trend which has led to the country’s furthered development. Does the Republic of Azerbaijan enjoy as much potentials as to do investments in Iran?

As you just mentioned yourself, Azerbaijan is on a fast track of development and its GDP has had an increase of 6% last year. Meanwhile, the non-petroleum share of the country’s economy has gone through a 10% growth. Following the improvements in the economic indices, the poverty line and unemployment have both dropped to 5%, which permits Azerbaijan to stand among the top indices in the whole world. Currently, the country’s currency reserves are estimated to be $50 billion. One has to admit that such achievements happened for the strategies of Azerbaijan’s Leader and President.

The government in Azerbaijan offers loans and full support to the investors who wish to bring their money to the country. Every year, we direct the projects implementable in Azerbaijan to the related institutions and organizations in Iran, and in the meantime, encourage the investors to invest their capital in Iran, esp. in the four provinces which we supervise. Also, we urge the Iranian investors to take their money to Azerbaijan, as we do, too, have job owners and employers at the same professional level.

Do you have an exact number of Azerbaijan’s economic growth of the previous year?

I do. It has been around 6% to 7%.

At such economic rate, one can probably see the emergence of inflation in the country coming; how has Azerbaijan gotten ahold of the inflation trend?

The inflation rate in Azerbaijan is nearly 2.4% which is a notable figure. Last year, the major economies of the world were going through economic growths of 1% or 2%, whereas Azerbaijan experienced 6%.

How many Iranians do receive visas to travel to Azerbaijan annually?

The Consulate issues visas for approximately 20 thousand Iranians.

Do you think there exist any measures by taking which the visa process would become much easier for applicants?

To ease the process of issuing visa certain steps are constantly being taken. The Consulate issues visa on business days from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. Should the number of the requests go too high, we extend the service hours for another extra hour. We try not to be stuck within the bureaucratic frameworks and provide our visitors with high-quality services.

To receive visa from the Consulate of Azerbaijan in Tabriz, even one from Tehran can come and ask for one. It seems that all Iranians can get the visa to Azerbaijan while taking a trip to Tabriz. Isn’t that right?

It is. Every Iranian citizen who wants to travel to the Republic of Azerbaijan can come to the Consulate and write their requests for visa. The visas are issued within three days from the time of their applications which is due to the high number of applicants and some processes. However, there are times when we see that people are in real emergencies, say urgent illnesses, then we help them receive their visas as soon as possible.

When concerts or exhibitions are due to be held in Azerbaijan, the number of visa applications rockets mostly. Have you planned to handle such emergencies?

In accordance with the agreements between the tourism companies of the two countries, Iranian citizens can offer their tourist watchers which give them the possibility to get the visa for only $20, whereas the normal cost is $35. That is another measure we have taken to make the whole setting easier.

Considering the intimate cultural ties the two countries share, is it possible to achieve cultural or tourism agreements between the universities of Azerbaijan and those of Tabriz or Ardebil?

We already have made it. On the recent days, the chancellor of the University of Tabriz had a trip to Azerbaijan and there, an agreement of collaboration was signed between the Medical University of Azerbaijan and Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. At the moment, many Iranian Azeri students are studying medicine and music at the universities of Azerbaijan. We often state our advocacy and seek to establish more scientific, cultural and philanthropic ties. We also have received offers to chair joint conferences such as those held over the recent years.

Can you name some of the conferences you referred to just now?

In this respect, we offered to mark the memorial of Azerbaijan’s national grand poet, Mamad Araz, and are following the necessary processes as well. Also, the ties between the University of Nakhchivan and those of Tabriz and Uremia are fairly fine and agreements have been signed, too. Moreover, we hold the memorial of Ostad Shahriar in Tabriz, Uremia, and Nakhchivan. Once there are scientific and cultural occasions at the State University of Nakhchivan, we have guests from the provinces of Eastern Azerbaijan, Western Azerbaijan and Ardebil. They often travel to the aforementioned provinces, too. Other processes are in the pipelines all the time.

Given the ideal climate of the Republic of Azerbaijan, there can be some sports camps built between the two countries. What do you think of that?

In sports, also, we have quite good contacts. In various areas the Azerbaijan, Olympic Sport Complexes have been established. Building such establishments can be proposed by Iran, why not? Also, a joint economic, commercial and philanthropic commission is planned to be chaired in which such bills can be discussed, or finally passed.

When is such commission due to be held?

Within the upcoming months. The chairmen of both parties have been elected to chair the commission in the future months.

Was it held last year, too?

Last year, because of the Presidential elections in both countries, the commission was not chaired. But it will be this year, rest assured.

How long of your stint has remained as the Consul of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tabriz? Do you have any certain plan to put your current designs into practice?

How long is remaining of my tenure here is not for us to talk or decide about, for it may be extended, cut to a shorter length, or even goes due just on time. That solely relies on the decisions of Azerbaijan’s President. However, Iran and the provinces where I have served are dear to me. Tabriz is like my own hometown, for I have lived here and been warmly welcomed by its people. Apart from my mission here, I will wholeheartedly try to develop the ties between Iran and Azerbaijan.

Surely, you have fine relations with the four governors of the Azeri provinces of Iran. Have you made any decision to meet with the MPs of these provinces?

The expansion of parliamentary ties happens at the level of embassies. But the parliamentary friendship group between the two countries is actively working, and its members are the MPs for these very four provinces. And those Azerbaijani members of the group are well familiar with Iran.

Do you have any plan to directly invite the MPs over to the Consulate to exchange viewpoints?

I have done my fair share in this matter, but unfortunately, have not been able to meet with any of them yet. Even for our own celebrations, we invite them personally. However, there have been meetings at the local events. Yet our relations occur at the level of friendship groups.

So, the Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tabriz is always open to the MPs of these four provinces?

The doors here are open to all the officials and Iranians who are interested in expanding the ties between the two countries.



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