Venezuela’s ambassador, “When the US can’t convince the other side, Washington decides to attack.”

 Venezuela’s ambassador, “When the US can’t convince the other side, Washington decides to attack.”

Following Chavez’s decease on March 5th, and the end of Mr. Ahmadinejad’s presidency in Iran, many of political observers believe that both countries are trying to establish their relationship once again based on new developments in their countries and in the world. To take a close look at political and economic ties between two countries we’ve had an interview with Venezuela’s ambassador in Tehran.

Exclusive interview with Amenhotep Zambrano,

Venezuela’s ambassador in Tehran 

Interview by Mohammadreza Nazari

Iran-Venezuela relationship got forged in the time of Mr. Chavez administration, do you see a future for this relationship?

Mr. Chavez established a new form in political interactions in Venezuela. The geopolitics center that previously used to be in the USA was returned to Latin America due to his efforts. Even now after his decease, his reflections, ideas and his ideal of a multipolar world continues. We are his sons and daughters, and his followers and know that we should follow his cause and keep our relationship with Iran and other friends of ours. Iran has proved that it is among Venezuela’s allies. Politically speaking, our discourse should be anti-imperialism and anti-communism. And from an economical point of view, Venezuela should be able to employ Iran’s abilities and capacities in order to enable Venezuela to enjoy all Iran’s development, as Iran has assisted our development so far. Regarding communications, we should encourage a better relationship by means of news agencies so that we will reach the cultural independent which is only few steps away. And in the field of employment we need to cooperate more so that we will get closer to our ultimate goals. We should cooperate with each other because we have a great deal of common ground. Maduro has also asserted many times that he is following Chavez’ way and thoughts.

Ahmadinejad’s presidency ended and now Mr. Rohani is the president of Iran so Iran’s political arena has changed, do you worry about Iran getting far from Venezuela after the phone call between Obama and Rohani?

Before Rohani, Nicholas Maduro called Obama. And also one of high rank Venezuelan officials attended Rohani’s inauguration. Iran’s Revolution will continue to remain a symbol. A revolution that is universally respected and respects the world. The US knows that it should keep this diplomatic and political relationship with Iran. Iran has shown that it respects equality and justice. Washington does not determine this relationship, actually Tehran and Caracas choose and determine it. We hope the US respects this relationship between us, we will offer them mutual respect in return but, Iran-Venezuela’s relationship won’t be different from past anyway.

The USA is trying to tarnish Iran-Venezuela relationship, how is Mr. Maduro going to neutralize their efforts?

We have always declared that our disagreement with any military attack or military intervention by the US in Iran or other countries like Cuba through our diplomatic and political channels. Imperialism claims that it has the right to decide for the world and it is proud of it! Consequences of such decisions have been the problems caused in hygiene, drugs and medicine. We will continue our sustained effort in Non-Aligned movement and will increase our activities too. As mentioned in Alba summit, we demand a structural change in the UN, we’d like it to be a real worldwide democracy. After it is realized, the USA would be only an ordinary country among other countries not a supreme dominant power. Then countries will be able to choose the destiny of their own nations and there won’t be a Simon Bolivar-James Maneroo relationship ever again.

You, unlike other diplomats who are normally conservative, are quite gritty in asserting your political views and communicate easily with your audience. Regarding Mideast developments you declared that you will do your best to prevent a military attack on Syria, What were your plans and strategies to deal with the issue?

When I said those words I felt that I have all the means possible to be affective in the region. First of all I wanted to pledge Alba’s full support for legitimate Syrian government. We have always expressed our disapproval of advocates of terrorism who provoke Syrian people to rebel against the government, and has also criticized the west and USA’s hypocrisy, they say they seek peace while in reality they support terrorist activities and hostilities. I use my own political power to show how much we condemn this, and I think both Alba and Syria have been able to repel Imperialistic pressures.

What’s your assessment of Russia’s impact? Soviet Union used to keep a balance with the US, so a space for other countries was created. Now, in the time of Putin administration, Russia tries to return the balance once again, do you think Russia has been successful?

Several years ago, Chavez claimed that Russia plays a key role in keeping peace in the region. Currently Russia is among few world powers which act in global scale. Russia, Iran, China and the US in the world and Venezuela in Latin America are very effective. And as Mr. Chavez said, they have the right to decide about their own nations. Venezuela has always supported Russia’s activities and will continue its support in the future. If there were not Russia, Iran and such countries, we would observe a death toll standing at 150000 in Syria. People know what Iran and Russia’s role have been in promoting keeping peace in Syria while the US had a devastating impact. The multipolar world that Mr. Chavez sought is now born and Syria’s case proved that our world works on a bipolar basis. Unfortunately what happened in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan were consequences of unipolar world.

But we do not observe Russia reinforcing Iran and Venezuela in military terms!

Recent events, diplomatic visits and Mr. Rohani and Mr. Zarif’s recent trips has shown that there is no need for weaponry. President Bush once said that whoever that is not with them is against them, still in Security Council someone rose his hand and said that they do not support US’s policies, this showed the US that there are people who do not approve of their actions and other thoughts are also in existence in the world which are different from theirs. Russia has enough military force to confront the US, and the US knows that. The US has taken Iran’s nuclear program as a justification for a military attack, but we know that there is another reason that prevents them from attacking. The US has attempted to weaken Iran’s economy and in international media has supported Iranians who are against Iran’s government. What do you think is the reason? Because they know that they can’t win by means of military attack. Also from a political point of view, they knew one hundred percent that Iran will win. Iran does not have any nuclear weapon. In Latin America many countries have military bases but Venezuela does not have a military base, just like Iran. Iran tries to make Israel guarantee that they won’t use weapons of mass destruction ever. Weapon is weapon, no matter nuclear, chemical or non-chemical, they are all used to kill people and we in Venezuela expressed our disapproval of any kind of weapons explicitly.

Do you think Mr. Zarif’s policy of relieving tension will work about the US?

During last 34 years, US has been always looking at Iran with hostility, so we see a lack of trust on Iranians side too, but we should let the diplomacy continue its process.

What is an appropriate diplomacy in your point of view? Iran’s way is in process, what is Venezuela’s view on this case?

I agree with the theory of having a leader, when I look at recent years. Iran has not done anything that deserve this hostility on American’s side, Iranians just don’t want to kneel, and want to keep their dignity and independence.

But appropriate executive policy should be accompanied by sagacity.

I don’t think that we observe Iran’s sagacity in in all of the US policies. In any conflicts, when the US can’t convince the other side, Washington decides to attack. This is not sagacity or creativity, it is just brutality. How can they talk about civilization when they have killed all different nationalities? Iran has shown an illuminating geopolitical attitude and all of us, diplomats who live in Iran, are trying to learn this political sagacity. I have seen Iran’s peace offer, still Obama is following his own way. I hope that the US uses this opportunity to improve its relationship with Iran and other countries. Last week three American employees were deported from Venezuela because they had been trying to damage the government and been assisting the opposition groups. No more than 5 months has passed from the start of the new government and they want to bring their own pawns to power although the government has been chosen by people and yet they have more than five years to govern. I’m always optimistic and think that political conflicts can be tackled by diplomatic-political subterfuge.

Iran and Venezuela has achieved a special kind of relationship in recent years, and certainly your country does not send any normal politician as its ambassador to Iran. Iranians want to know where you have been before Iran. How was your relationship with Mr. Chavez? And so on.

We are all sons of Chavez. Mr. Chavez never sent anyone anywhere unless he was sure he would get the satisfying result.

What made him choose you?

There are thousands of more efficient people in Venezuela, but on December 6th, Mr. Chavez signed an order which appointed me as an ambassador. After that unfortunately he had a surgery and on March 5th he passed away. This shows how important our relationship with iran was for him that in that situation he chose Iran’s ambassador.

Who recommended you to Mr. Chavez?

I was the secretary general in Alba for 3 years, where the presidents did their best to confront the US. For 3 years I just listened to those presidents and took notes.

So you are not an ordinary ambassador and have enormous potential. I’m curious to know how you use this potential. You may even be able to manage Venezuelan ambassadors in the region.

At the beginning I just wanted to interact with ambassadors present in Iran. Mr. Chavez sent me to serve in Iran. I like my people to know Iran better and am ready to let them acquire all the experience that I’ve obtained about Iran while working with Mr. Chavez.

Among Latin America ambassadors you seem to have the most impressive background and potential, how are you going to use your experience in economy? What is Iran’s top economic priority in Venezuela?

Iran and Venezuela established a new method in economic relationships, which is based on economic independence in a way that each country makes use of its own petroleum revenue, independence in using petroleum revenues. Both countries have high capacity in petroleum and petro chemistry and we want to share our experience in this field. Iran has considerable experience in food production and we want to use this knowledge and science. Also regarding electrical equipment and electronics, we want to use Iran’s experience, actually we need it. We like Venezuela to be an entrance to other Latin America countries. We are a member of political-economic Marxor treaty which includes 350 million people. We are a member of Alba which includes 80 million people, and also a member of onasor, South American Nations Union, and in general we stand at the top of South America countries and want to use our relationship with Iran so that we will be able to increase Venezuela’s investment in the region. We want to import some products so that we will increase our export capacity as well. To get this we need to establish strong political ties, which has already been realized and we have strengthened our commercial and economic ties as well. Currently we export stone to Iran and many different companies are interested in exporting cocoa and coffee to Iran. We like to have economic meetings with Iran beside political ones. What we have observed in Iran is amazing; Iran’s capacity and quality in construction as well as its pace, power plants project management company, MAPNA, which distributes electricity in vast scale, road construction, Iran’s markets which are always full of goods, and city cleaning systems which are just great. I think Iranians are great at planning and this is their key to success. I’m here to see all this and to transfer it to my country.

Before coming to Iran, what was your perception of this country? Did you perceive it in a different way compared to other countries?

To tell you the truth I didn’t have any perception of Iran, as my specialty was Latin America. Mr. Chavez always changed our attitude toward Iran and his relationship with Mr. Khatami and Ahmadinejad are best examples. He taught us to love Iran’s nation. When I was 10, my mother used to follow world news, although she was a typical villager. She also followed Imam Khomeini’s news. I didn’t know much about him but loved the way he resisted and confronted the US. Now, after so many years, here I am, Venezuela’s ambassador in Iran.

In what city were you born? And what brought you into diplomatic field?

I was born in Falkom in west of the country. I do not consider myself much of a diplomat, more than that actually I’m an economist. I have M.A in management and PHD in economics. I have plenty of degrees in finance courses and my specialties are social affairs and finance.

So Iran’s researchers, economists and scientists can learn many things from an economist manager?

I like to learn your economic system, your management system, your company establishment system, small industries, governmental assistance and your banking system. But first of all I should learn a better Farsi.

You are the only ambassador whose credentials has been kissed by a president. How did you feel in that meeting?

I just can say it was a meeting that was spent in crying, and this made us remember Ahmadinejad and keep him in our hearts forever. He was a gladiator, as Mr. Chavez was, and this two somehow complemented each other. A clear political period that both countries are proud of it. When Mr. Ahmadinejad kissed Chavez’s coffin, I was impressed. From then on, our pain relieved.

The way Mr. Ahmadinejad commiserated with Mr. Chavez’s mother also hit the headlines in Iran.

With what he did, he proved to Mr. Chavez’s mother who had lost a son, and not an ordinary son, that she has another son, and this is something common in Venezuela.

Definitely Mr. Ahmadinejad saw her as his own mother, but what he did was far from common in Iran.

A man who was very strong, at that moment was showing another picture of himself, and his feelings were very pleasant for us.

At the end we want to know, how Mr. Maduro is going to follow Chavez’s path. Is there going to be any changes?

Venezuela’s revolution has experienced some changes now and then and Mr. Chavez had always changed social problems and strategies that he had to confront foreign threats. Every year he taught us new policy makings and talked about a revolution within the revolution. He said whenever that our seas water stops its motion, our revolution stops. Mr. Maduro also follows Mr. Chavez. We still continue our socialistic ideas and our multipolar world goal and also our attempt to reach independence in petroleum. We will expand our relationship with your important region as well. Chavez left us the Constitution and a national plan, and our nation, Venezuela, believed in him, and that shall not change.


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