UNIC helps Islamic Azad University students to get familiar with the UN website

 UNIC helps Islamic Azad University students to get familiar with the UN website

The UN Information Centre (UNIC) held “Finding UN Information and Documentation” workshop for some 15 students of law from the Islamic Azad University at the UNIC Tehran on 31 May 2018. The session was co-organized by UNIC intern Mohsen Seyed Ahmadi, AVA Diplomatic reports.

UNIC Reference Assistant Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghami-Farahani conducted the workshop. One of the participants Zahra Khatib said: “We learned about some basic facts about the UN, and how to find and retrieve UN information on the UNIC, UN in Iran and the UN websites as well as UN Careers.”

She added: “We also learned the UN document symbols as well as how to locate information on international law through three different UN webpage gateways namely “Uphold International Law” among “What We Do”; “International Law and Justice” among “Global Issues” and “International Law Documentation” in the “Research Guides” of the Dag Hammarskjold Library (DHL). And I can say that We are very satisfied.”

Overview and searching through some of DHL resources and databases including UNBISNET, Official Document System (ODS), were discussed. Then, there was a navigation through the International Court of Justice (ICJ) website. The students learned to find two lectures of the University of Tehran Professor and the former President of the International Law Commission of the UN Dr. Djamchid Momtaz among the “Lecture Series” of UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.


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