UNIC helps University of Tehran graduate students to find needed UN information

 UNIC helps University of Tehran graduate students to find needed UN information

As per request of Dr. Amirsaed Vakil Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran professor, the UN Information Centre (UNIC) held a “Finding UN Information and Documentation” workshop for some 40 graduate students of international law and human rights at the UN building in Tehran on 23 April 2018, AVA Diplomatic reports.

The workshop was conducted by the UNIC Reference Assistant Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghami-Farahani. Students learned how to find and retrieve UN information on  the UN website as well as Dag Hammarskjold Library (DHL) page on the web. They also got familiar with the structure of the UN document symbols as well as the structure of a UN resolution. Overview and searching through some of DHL resources and databases including UNBISNET, Official Document System (ODS), were discussed.

There was a focus on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and a video on ICJ with Persian subtitles was screened for the group. The participants learnt how to locate a multilateral treaty and its status as well as the related reservations from the Treaty Collectionwebsite.

“Workshop was really useful. I was proud to find a lecture of University of Tehran professor and the former President of International Law Commission of the UN Dr. Djamchid Momtaz among the “Lecture Series” of  UN Audiovisual Library of International Law,” said Ahmad Soroush, participant of the workshop.

In the framework of the public awareness campaign, dedication to the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on the Human Rights, the Reference Assistant introduced the human rights section on the UNIC bilingual webpage. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights(OHCHR) was navigated and  the students learnt to use treaty based and charter based bodies documents databases separately.

Finding UN information and documentation workshop participants

Persian copies of UN Charter and the UN System Chart were distributed among the participants.


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