“North-South International Transport Corridor Is Important for the Whole Region,” States Javanshir Akhundov.

Considering the strategic significance of the North-South International Transport Corridor, it can play an outstanding role in the economic future of every country in the region. The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Iran is making every effort possible to make the joint railway between his country and Iran become possible and as the chief of Azerbaijan’s Railroad Organization says, Baku has agreed on completing 8.5 km of the railroad as a first-step gesture by the end of 2016. All dreams are coming true just when international sanctions are off Iran’s shoulders and the ties between Tehran and Baku can notably change. To know more of where the railroad project is at now, we held an interview with the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Tehran which comes below.
AVA Diplomatic’s Exclusive Interview with
Mr. Javanshir Akhundov, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Interview by Mohammadreza Nazari
Mr. Ambassador, comprehensive information on “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road which is a part of North-South international transport corridor would be very interesting for our readers.
Looking back at the recent past on the establishment of the “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project, I would like to bring to your attention that on February 8, 2011 the heads of “Azerbaijan Rail Roads” LLC, “Russia Rail Roads” OJSC and Rail Roads of the Islamic Republic of Iran held a trilateral meeting in Tehran and as a result of discussions the Memorandum of Understanding on the construction of “Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan) rail road was signed between “Azerbaijan Rail Roads” LLC, “Russia Rail Roads” OJSC and Rail Roads of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Let me underline that working toward realization of North-South international transport corridor, which is of great importance for the economic future of our region has been on of priority issues for our Embassy. Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tehran has continuously worked and is still working on connecting rail roads between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
I would also like to inform you that cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iran on the mentioned railroad project is carried out within the framework of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), which is based in Tehran, as well. As a result of initiative and work of the Embassy the “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project has been included into the list of priority projects of ECO. At the 11th meeting of the heads of rail road agencies of ECO member states held in Turkey it was decided to establish a high level working group within the ECO on “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project. As of now the working group has had the 1st meeting in Baku and the 2nd one in Rasht.
The decisions on the “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project have been reflected in the high level documents of the Economic Cooperation Organization. Istanbul Declaration adopted at the 11th ECO Summit held on December 23, 2010 in Istanbul, as well as Baku Declaration adopted at the 12th ECO Summit held in Baku on October 16, 2012 under the Chairmanship of H.E. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan envisage articles on the soonest realization of “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project. Furthermore, the reports of the meetings of the Council of Ministers and Regional Planning Council underline the need for finalization of “Qazvin-Rasht-Astara(Iran)-Astara(Azerbaijan)” rail road project.
Your Excellency, not long time ago- on October 9-10, 2015 the delegations of two countries had a meeting in the cities of Astara of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Could you please elaborate on these meetings?
Main purpose of these meetings was to hold discussions on North-South international transport corridor. At the meetings between H.E. Mr. Shahin Mustafayev, Minister of Economy and Industry and Co-chair of the State Commission on cooperation in economic, trade and humanitarian fields between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and H.E. Mr. Mahmood Vaezi, Minister of Communication and information technologies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian Co-chair of the mentioned State Commission Azerbaijan was represented by the officials of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Transport, State Customs Committee, State Border Service, “Azerbaijan Rail Roads” LLC. Also high level officials of the Ministries of Communication and Information Technologies, Foreign Affairs, Roads and City building, Customs Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran were present at the meetings.
Since currently there are no rail roads between Azerbaijan and Iran goods are transported via road transport. In this regard, realization of North-South international transport corridor is one of the outstanding priority issues for the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Being of great political and economic importance, North-South international transport corridor will create opportunities to increase many times freight and passenger transport, and contribute to enhance economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iran.
I would like particularly to mention that during the official visit of H.E. Hassan Rouhani, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Azerbaijan in November 2014 development of the transport field was one of the discussed issues at his meeting with H.E.Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Presidents once again declared that establishment of North-South international transport was in the interests of both sides and stated that NSTC is important not only for Azerbaijan and Iran, but also for the whole region.
The length of the Qazvin-Rasht rail road is 205 kilometers. 6 big Iranian construction companies have been involved into the road construction and almost 80% of the works have been concluded. 22 tunnels, 15 bridges are built on the road. Construction of 15 tunnels is already finalized. Azerbaijan and Iran have agreed to jointly search financing for the construction of 167 km length Rasht-Astara rail road.
During the meeting of the Ministers Shahin Mustafayev and Mahmood Vaezi on October 9, 2015 it was agreed upon establishment of working groups to discuss connecting railroads and building relevant infrastructure at Azerbaijan-Iran border. These measures envisage construction of railroads along borders at the territories of Azerbaijan and Iran, joint building of border bridge and as well as of a handling terminal. According to the agreement 8.3 km of the road in the territory of Azerbaijan and 1 bridge will be constructed by Azerbaijan.
At the same time I would like to brief that as a result of the meeting “the Protocol of the working group within the State Commission on cooperation in economic, trade and humanitarian fields between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran” was signed between Mr. Javid Gurnabov, Chair of “Azerbaijan Rail Roads” LLC and Mr. Purseyid Aghai, Deputy minister of Roads and city building of the Islamic Republic of Iran and head of rail roads.
Mr. Ambassador, can you please in brief describe importance of North-South international transport corridor?
At the outset I would like to inform you that North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) was established in 2000 to enhance trade turnover between Iran, Russia, Europe, South Asia and the countries of the Persian Gulf. The Republic of Azerbaijan joined this initiative since September of 2005. The main objective of this corridor is to connect the ports of South Asia and Persian Gulf with Russia and European countries via Azerbaijan and Iran. The most important advantage of NSTC in comparison with other routes is that the transit distance and time is 3 times shorter. The price of delivering the goods via this corridor is more competitive. Other advantages of NSTC include safety of this route and its crossing with other international transport corridors. Generally, NSTC – also taking into account other surrounding countries (Afghanistan and etc.) –being a transport corridor with annual 30 million tons freight traffic is the most effective logistic solution due to the transit time and price. According to the calculations of experts, at the preliminary stage it is possible to transfer annually 5 million of this freight potential on Azerbaijan and later by enhancing technical-logistical capacities to increase this number up to 10 million tons.
As mentioned above, being of great importance for the economic future of the region, North-South international transport corridor will also give a new impetus for developing economic cooperation between two neighbouring and friendly countries of Azerbaijan and Iran.