Iran, EU Resolved to Enhance Network of Technological Ties

 Iran, EU Resolved to Enhance Network of Technological Ties

Dutch Ambassador to Tehran Susanna Terstal visited Iran’s Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) one day after the removal of draconian US-led sanctions on Tehran’s nuclear program, AVA Diplomatic reports.

The visit was aimed at promoting mutual ties between RIPI and Dutch research institutions, said Amir Abbas Husseini, RIPI vice president and deputy of technology and international relations.

He said RIPI is carrying out joint projects in a number of areas including water research and environmental studies with Dutch institutes and universities.

Husseini added that during her visit, Terstal learned about RIPI’s latest achievements in oil and gas industries and high priority agendas, expressing hope that the visit will bolster the institute’s cooperation with its Dutch research partners now that the international embargoes on Tehran are removed.

On Sunday, the EU and US lifted Iran’s nuclear sanctions after the international Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed Iran’s commitment to its nuclear promised in a deal it struck with world powers in Vienna in July.


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