The chief of I.R.Iran cyberpolice visited with representetive of UNODC, Mr. Leik Boonwaat
![The chief of I.R.Iran cyberpolice visited with representetive of UNODC, Mr. Leik Boonwaat](
The chief of Iran cyber police visited with the representetive of UNODC in Iran to enhance the international effective cooperation in prevention and combatting cybercrime, AVA Diplomatic Reports.Representetive of UNODC, Mr. Leik Boonwaat along with his delegation visited with the chief of Iran cyber police and the head of international affairs department in Iran.
Brigadier General Kamal Hadianfar said that the international effective cooperation in prevention and combatting cybercrime was targeted in this visit. He emphasized that this cooperation is important factor in tracking and combating cybercrime.
In this friendly meeting, director of UNODC emphasized that cybercrime is very important in Iran and should be investigated by the office of UNODC in Tehran and also, the matter of prevention and combatting cybercrime should be reported to UN as a transnational crime.
At the end of this meeting, the head of Iran cyber police presented the Iran cyber police logo as a commemorative gift to the director of UNODC, Mr. Leik Boon Waat
Brigadier General Kamal Hadianfar said that the drug related offences only targeted a person at first, but cybercrime threatened families, organization and even the national critical infrastructures. So, UNODC need to pay attention to this crime seriously.
During the visit with director of UNODC, Mr. Leik Boon Waat, Brigadier General Kamal Hadianfar said: the main object of this meeting was to improve the international effective cooperation in prevention and combatting cybercrime and the international activities would be important factor in tracking and combating cybercrime.
He pointed out that today, we are ready to help other countries in cyber areas and provide them with our experiments. He added: the international cooperation is important factor in tracking and combatting cybercrime.
He expressed hope for mutual cooperation between I.R.Iran and UN in combatting cybercrime and said: In late of 2010, comprehensive studies were conducted in founding cyber police in developed countries. In this regard, I.R.Iran cyber police launched in 2011 to prevent and confront Internet crimes, accordance with international standards.
Establishing cyber police in 32 provinces and providing forensics equipment Senior police official pointed to the extraordinary capabilities of cyber police in the field of detection of cybercrime, “cyber police in 32 provinces and 56 cities over 200 thousand inhabitants, has an active presence and is equipped to the forensics devices.” Cyber Crime Discovered at 20% in developed countries HADIANFAR expressed cyber police work in accordance with rules and regulations, protecting civil rights and prevention of committing crime in cyber space. He also added that 70% of cybercrime was discovered by police in 2013; while cyber police of the developed countries are only able to detect 20 to 30 percent of cybercrime.
The chief of cyber police continued in order to combat and tracking these crimes we need to have capacity building at the international level. It is necessary the international organizations like UNODC and IPSG to carry out their mission and they help countries to be equipped with the knowledge and tools.
VPNs are one of the great challenges in tracking cyber crime, Brigadier General Kamal Hadianfar said that the drug related offences only targeted a person at first, but cybercrime threatened families, organization and even the national critical infrastructures. So, UNODC need to pay attention to this crime seriously.
He pointed 7% of crime in developed countries is related to cybercrime and added criminals create great challenges such as identity theft, using a hidden IP and VPN to track crime in the world.
The need to international law to fight cyber crime The chief of cyber police emphasized that all countries should respect and implement the international law and cybercrime and ways of dealing with it should be defined in the law.
He pointed out that internet provide opportunities and the other hand accompanied by threats such as theft and fraud. In accordance with the official reports 4% of crime is 4% of the crime is obvious and more than 96% of crime occurs in the hidden space.
UN Special looking at cybercrime up to coming 4 years representetive of UNODC, BOON WAAT cited cybercrime as transnational crime and said UN has a special look at cybercrime in its planning and creates new opportunities for bilateral cooperation.
he stressed that UN are on the agenda the programs to combat cybercrime.