The Implementation Of The 4th Cycle Of The Strengthening Families Programme (SFP 10-14 Years)
A 4-day Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on “Strengthening Families Programme for 10-14-year old youth” was organized and held from 22-25 April 2018 in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. The TOT workshop was conducted in close collaboration between the UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and neighboring countries, the UNODC Country Office in Iran and the Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The programme was generously supported by the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran and Russian Federation. The main objective of the SFP workshop has been capacity building of Iranian SFP facilitators to become SFP trainers, aiming to scale up the programme country-wide, AVA Diplomatic reports.
During the opening ceremony, the UNODC Country Office Representative in Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Alexander Fedulov, extended his special thanks to the national and international key stakeholders and thanked them for providing their support to hold the 4th cycle of the SFP programme in Iran, namely, the Drug Control Headquarters, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Government of the Russian Federation. He also encouraged the national SFP trainers to implement the programme to international standards, considering they are being trained under direct supervision of international SFP experts. Mr. Fedulov requested the national counterparts to share the direct positive impact of this programme with youth, parents and families in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The meeting was continued with the welcome speech of Dr. Parviz Afshar, DCHQ Director General of Drug Demand Reduction and Public Participation Office. He fully supported the implementation of the SFP programme in Iran and appreciated the efforts made by all parties to hold this drug prevention programme over the past 4 years in Iran. He also reassured the audience that the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its support to the SFP implementation at the country level as well as regional level. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to technically assist the Persian speaking neighboring countries to expand the programme in their own countries.
With the presence of representatives from UNODC global programmes, Dr.Wadih Maalouf, Global Programme Coordinator, and under direct supervision of two international SFP trainers, 12 out of 30 participants from 6 schools/health centers throughout 6 provinces; Tehran, Isfahan, Khorasan-e-Razavi, Sistan and Baloochestan, Lorestan and Fars were awarded the Training of Facilitators (TOF) certificate which enables them to work as the national SFP trainers.
Upon completion of the TOT workshop, two international SFP trainers as well as global programme coordinator provided their comments on the capacity of the national facilitators. The Global Programme coordinator, Dr.Wadih Maalouf, addressed the national facilitators: “The level of dedication, motivation and potential you have is exemplary. I will try to support you and congratulations to all”.
Dr. Allen and Dr. Coombs, two international experts, also evaluated the performance of the Iranian facilitators as very good: “You are some of the best trainers in the 15 years we are delivering this programme. You really do understand the programme. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country that has developed its own SFP DVDs with a very good quality. Well done!”