FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Expert Team in Tehran for the Launching of a Sectoral Strategic Development Programme

 FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Expert Team in Tehran for the Launching of a Sectoral Strategic Development Programme

A Team of FAO experts comprising Mr Piero Mannini, FAO Senior Fishery Officer from the FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa and Mr Alessandro Lovatelli, FAO Fishery Officer from the FAO Fisheries Department at FAO Headquarters, travelled to Tehran from 11 to 14 February 2014. The team conducted a review of the current status of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the country and assisted with the preparation for the formulation of a strategic programme aimed at reinforcing the development of this sector over the medium to long term, AVA Diplomatic reports.Given the significance of the fisheries and aquaculture sector for the national economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is essential that a more strategic and pro-active posture (both for national and regional activities) be adopted to maximize the synergies between the individual projects to be implemented in this sector and thus optimize the benefits and impacts to be derived from the sector.

The prominence of Iran’s available knowledge and technical prowess in the fields of fisheries and aquaculture, the geographic coastal and inland water expanse of the country and its exposure to vital regional marine resources (from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf , Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean) render the fishery and aquaculture sector vital in promoting food security.

The institution of the strategic programme, in conjunction and partnership with the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture and other stakeholders, ushers an innovative approach to FAO’s country assistance activities.

The programme will provide a critically-needed platform that would enable FAO to assist effectively the country in addressing the priority issues that had been identified and embodied in the FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF), the National Five-Year Plan being executed by the Iran Fisheries Organization (SHILAT) and the Ministry, the goals being promoted through the FAO Regional Initiatives and ultimately the corporate strategic objectives.

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