Gender-Mainstreaming Monitoring And Evaluation Of HIV Services For Women Who Use Drugs

 Gender-Mainstreaming Monitoring And Evaluation Of HIV Services For Women Who Use Drugs

UNODC Iran organized a three-day training workshop regarding “building capacity of service providers, programme managers and other relevant implementing partners and stakeholders in development and implementation of gender-responsive indicators, methods and tools; monitoring of HIV prevention, treatment and care services; and analysing and reporting of gender-responsive M&E data” on 13-15 November 2018 in close collaboration with the Iranian Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ), AVA Diplomatic reports.

The purpose of the workshop was to increase knowledge and skills in

  1. Design of appropriate indicators and setting baselines and targets for monitoring and evaluation of HIV services for women who inject drugs.
  2. Implementation of monitoring of the HIV services for women who inject drugs using appropriate methods and tools.
  3. Data analysis and reporting.

The workshop was facilitated by Mona S. Mahmud, UNODC consultant. The training curriculum was country adapted in consultation with UNODC staff and local partners. The workshop implementation combined different learning techniques bridging theoretical knowledge and practice. Senior officials and experts from the Islamic Republic of Iran Drug Control Headquarters, Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, State welfare Organization of Iran and providers from NGOs participated in the training workshop.

On the first day, Mr Hamid Jomepour the DCHQ Director General of Drug Treatment and Social Support Department of the DCHQ emphasized in his opening statement the need for expanding monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in programmes with the aim of improving the quality of the wide-spread services. he further emphasised the need for attending to service provision to women as one of the vulnerable groups. He expressed his gratitude regarding the presence of specialists and drug demand reduction officers among the participants and emphasised that the role of field workers in providing quality services to affected populations. He invited the active exchange of views and experience towards higher effectiveness of the training.

Mr. Alexander Fedulov, UNODC Representative in the Islamic Republic of Iran, extended his special thanks to the Iranian authorities for supporting joint events between the UNODC and the Drug Control Headquarters and he wished everyone a successful and pleasant training and hoped that the training would help everyone feel more competent for monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention and care programmes and services for women who use drugs.

During the three-day workshop, 6 modules were presented covering all core information regarding monitoring and evaluation (e.g. its purpose, international guidelines, etc.) and M&E use in decision making and action planning. This theoretic aspect was combined with practical interactive group work including role-playing, brainstorming based on current country-level situation and group presentations. The significance of data related to high risk behaviours and interventions among affected women were emphasized throughout the training. Also, the challenges and obstacles of efficient monitoring and evaluation of programs were drawn upon.


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