Austria seeking Iran to benefit from the JCPOA

The Austrian ambassador to Iran, says Austria has had good relations with Iran over the course of history, and now it seeks Tehran to benefit from the international treaty of JCPOA, AVA Diplomatic reports.
Stefan Schulz said in a meeting with Abdul Muhammad Zahedi, Qazvin governor, on Tuesday, ‘We have participated in the visit on behalf of Austria, to declare the will and determination of the country to benefit Iran from the treaty.’
He added, ‘We are very impressed that the Iranian government shows patience against political provocations, and we are striving to maintain economic channels between the two sides in this situation.’
The Austrian Ambassador to Iran added that Austria, along with the European Union, is taking the first steps to deal with the United States after withdrawing from the international treaty.
He added, ‘Iran and Austria have had good and pleasant relations throughout history that are rarely seen by any other country.’
Schultz added, ‘Our goal of presence in Iran is that Austria can meet its economic and trade position, and in this regard, Qazvin province has the necessary capabilities and capacities.’
He said, ‘Qazvin is located as the ancient capital of Iran on the Silk Road, which has added to its capacities and capabilities for economic and commercial activities.’
Shultz said in another part of his speech referring to Iran’s capabilities in the field of tourism, ‘We are currently building a tourism education school in Tehran.’