The Up-Scale Phase Of The Strengthening Family Programme (SFP 10-14 Years)

 The Up-Scale Phase Of The Strengthening Family Programme (SFP 10-14 Years)

In The Islamic Republic Of Afghanistan

A 4-day Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on “Strengthening Family Programme for 10-14-year old youth” was organized and held in close collaboration between UNODC Global Programme and Regional Programme for Afghanistan and neighboring countries, Sub-programme 3, “Prevention and treatment of addiction among vulnerable groups”, in Kabul-Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, from 08-11 April 2018. The programme generously was supported by the Government of Japan. The main objective of the SFP workshop has been capacity building of Afghan teachers to act as SFP facilitators at national level, AVA Diplomatic reports.

With presence of representatives from UNODC global regional programmes, 24 new teachers from 4 schools in Kabul participated in the SFP workshop. The teachers were trained under direct supervision of two national SFP trainers and received the “facilitators certificate” which enable them to implement the SFP Programme including 7 primary and 4 booster sessions for youth, parents and families in 4 girl school in Kabul. The training workshop was facilitated and monitored by an expert in the area of SFP programme from country office of Islamic Republic of Iran aiming to ensure that the training is in line with the SFP international guidelines and tools.

Upon completion of the SFP workshop, the 24 national SFP facilitators will hold 7-primary sessions and 4 booster sessions on a weekly basis in 4 selected schools in Kabul.  The main outcome of the programme could be outlined as follows: 180 family members comprising of 60 youth will benefit from the programme while getting familiar with the life skills which assist them to tackle the wide-spread use of narcotics drug in Afghanistan.

The pre and post-evaluation survey will be conducted accordingly to explore the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme in changing the behavior of the youth with their peers and parents as well as their approach to narcotic drug usage.

During the SFP workshop, the director of the education department of Ministry of Education in Kabul Province visited the programme and appreciated the efforts of UNODC on implementing the SFP programme in Kabul-Afghanistan. He also addressed the Afghan teachers/facilitators to “learn the skills as much as you can and transfer the knowledge to Afghan youth, parents and families. This is a programme which can help our youth avoid from drug dependency and other risk behaviors of drug use”.


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