Pakistani envoy optimistic on China-Pakistan corridor’s benefits for cooperation with Iran

 Pakistani envoy optimistic on China-Pakistan corridor’s benefits for cooperation with Iran

Pakistani Ambassador to Tehran Asif Durrani on Tuesday hoped that successful completion of China-Pakistan economic corridor would give further boost to Pakistan-Iran cooperation, AVA Diplomatic reports.

Durrani made the remarks in an address on Pakistan National Day reception.

Durrani referred to Iran and Pakistan as transit hubs for the regional countries and beyond.

The ambassador congratulated Iranian people and government on the new Iranian year and said Pakistanis celebrate their national day to renew pledge to nurture a society free from discrimination; a society where people have equal opportunities to prosper and live their lives in accordance with their beliefs.

Durrani said Pakistanis are striving to promote peace and tolerance as a way forward for the development of Pakistan and the region.

He added that Pakistan is fighting terrorism and obscurantism and they are successful in their fight.

‘We have faced myriad challenges in recent years; we have lost 70,000 of our citizens; over 6,000 of our armed forces personnel and police have sacrificed their lives while fighting terrorists. Today, we can say with satisfaction that there is no safe haven for terrorists on our soil. We hope with concerned efforts and cooperation we would get rid of terrorism from our region. The defeat of terrorism on our soil has galvanised the pace of economic progress in Pakistan,’ said the diplomat, adding that Pakistan is rated as most progressive emerging market.

He voiced happiness that relations with Iran are getting stronger by the day.

Durrani noted that there have been high level visits between Iran and Pakistan over past one year which have further enhanced mutual cooperation.

The two countries have displayed exemplary cooperation on many regional and international issues, Durrani said.

Elsewhere in his address, the ambassador said Iran-Pakistan trade has increased by 35% since last year as the banking channels between the two sides are getting strengthened.

He concluded that his country hoped to attain 5 billion dollars of bilateral trade in the coming three years.


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