Civil society managers and representatives learn more about UN websites

 Civil society managers and representatives learn more about UN websites

UNIC together with the Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) and Naghshe Javid Institute organized “Finding UN Information” workshop for representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) dealing with cultural heritage and tourism issues, AVA Diplomatic reports.

Six workshops in this series were held in 2014-2015 by UNIC. This, seventh one, was held on 23 August 2016. More than 60 managers and representatives of cultural heritage CSOs from Tehran, Kerman, Maraghe, Hamedan and Qazvin provinces of Iran participated.

Deputy of ICHHTO Department on Associations and NGOs Mr. Kamran Sabzemeidani emphasized the importance of raising the knowledge of NGOs managers on the international organizations. “It’s important to know how to contact the related UN bodies such as UNESCO, UNODC, UNEP, UNWTO and UN-Habitat. I appreciate that UNIC and Naghshe Javid Association organized this workshop and look forward to continuation of our cooperation.”

UNIC Reference Assistant Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghmi elaborated on basic facts about the UN, UN General Assembly and its resolutions on UN observances including one which named 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

Then she briefed the participants on high-level meetings of General Assembly in 2015, namely Sustainable Development Summit and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Among the 17 goals, she focused on goal 8 target 9, goal 12 target 10 and goal 14 target 7 which are dealing with tourism. The participants also navigated the UN website on UN and civil society, association with DPI, how to obtain ECOSOC consultative status as well as UNESCO, UNWTO, UNEP and some other UN agency websites.

UNESCO Cultural Programme Assistant, Ms. Mahta Mohegh, introduced the four main programmes of UNESCO and briefly introduced UNESCO Cultural Conventions: Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954), Fighting against the illicit trafficking of cultural property (1970), Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972), Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001), Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005).

She also explained the UNESCO Tehran Cluster Office (UTCO) activities in Iran in the areas of Education, Science, Culture and Communication and Information. In the area of Culture UTCO supports ICHHTO in management planning for World Heritage Sites, suitable tourism in Iran as well as safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. UTCO works closely with the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO.

Then UN-Habitat expert Mr. Keyhan Shams explained work of UN-Habitat in the area of urban heritage. Giving a presentation on Habitat III issue paper Urban Heritage and Culture, he explained current global challenges and drivers of change for better urban future. “Sector-based approach”, “urban pressures”, and “uncontrolled tourism” were introduced as the main challenges in heritage preservation which may cause heritage marginalization and destruction. He added: “One of the most important issues in this field is preserving cultural heritage which is located in urban slums and informal settlements.

He emphasized that NGOs and civil societies can play a major role in “community participation” and “public awareness” as two important tools in cultural-based regeneration and heritage conservation.”


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