Envoys of Northern European states call for enhanced ties with Iran

 Envoys of Northern European states call for enhanced ties with Iran

Ambassadors of Northern European countries in Tabriz on Sunday called for development of economic ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran, AVA Diplomatic reports.

They made the remarks in a meeting with Tabriz mayor. Denmark envoy Anders Christian Hougard said that fields of environment and energy saving are two important issues for economic cooperation.

Anders Christian Hougard added that the interest in development of bilateral ties between Iran and Nordic countries would serve to create opportunities for trade and commerce.

Sweden Ambassador to Tehran Peter Tejler called for reciprocal support for industry owners and manufacturers to develop economic and cultural relations.

Tejler said that Iran is one of its old economic and trade partners of Sweden. He said that Iran and Sweden enjoy longstanding relations so that an Iranian is serving a portfolio in the Swedish government and vice-speaker of Sweden parliament is an Iranian.

Finland’s ambassador, for his part, described meeting between Nordic ambassadors and Tabriz mayor as a valuable opportunity.

Harry Kmrayann said that relations between Nordic countries are sometime stronger than that of the European Union members.

He called for academic cooperation, presence in common markets and cooperation in the field of health technology are among important pillars for economic ties.

Ambassador of Norway Aud Lise Norheim said that Tabriz has considerable background of economic cooperation with the European states.

Aud Lise Norheim underlined necessity to enhance level of economic cooperation with Iran. Aud Lise Norheim added that visit of Norwegian Foreign Minister as well as Finland’s parliamentary delegation to Tehran prepared the ground for increasing trade and commerce.

Tabriz mayor Sadeq Najafi, for his part, said that Tabriz, because of its location in the route of Silk Road and its connection with Europe had always been a frontier in scientific and industrial achievements. He said Tabriz historical Bazaar had been one of big centers in regional economy and it has flourished so far. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland are five Nordic countries Nordic.

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