17th Chinese Naval Escort Fleet wraps Iran visit

 17th Chinese Naval Escort Fleet wraps Iran visit

The 17th Chinese Naval Escort Fleet, including the missile destroyer Changchun and missile frigate Changzhou, has ended a visit to Iran, AVA Diplomatic reports.The fleet, which had docked in Iran for a five-day visit, the first such visit made by Chinese naval ships, departed from Bandar Abbas Port in southern Iran on Wednesday.

Chinese naval officials met with their Iranian counterparts as well as local government officials in Hormozgan Province during the visit.

Iran’s First Naval Zone Commander Amir Hossein Azad said, “It is customary for naval forces to be in touch and pay visit to their counterparts in other countries in order to boost bilateral and international relations. In line with the policy to strengthen our political and naval ties with China, two Chinese warships have docked here in Bandar Abbas. Their visit will allow us to share technical knowledge and boost cooperation while it provides a chance for us to hold a joint naval exercise with China.”

Prior to its departure, the Chinese naval troops held joint drills with the Iranian Navy.

Chinese Ambassador to Iran Pang Sen said Iran and China’s relations “started with the famous ancient Silk Road. Now, we are reviving this Silk Road and this visit by the fleet of China is part of our joint efforts to strengthen the good relationship of cooperation between our two countries.”

In September, Iran’s naval forces rescued a Chinese container ship from a pirate attack in the notorious Gulf of Aden. This was also the case for a Chinese cargo vessel back in 2012

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