UNODC Country Representative and Chairman Of Tehran Chamber Of Commerce, Industries Mines And Agriculture Discussed Modalities Of Expanding Cooperation On Anti-Corruption Affairs

 UNODC Country Representative and Chairman Of Tehran Chamber Of Commerce, Industries Mines And Agriculture Discussed Modalities Of Expanding Cooperation On Anti-Corruption Affairs

Mr. Alexander Fedulov, UNODC Iran Country Representative and Mr. Masoud Khansari, Chairman of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIM) met and discussed modalities of expanding cooperation on anti-corruption affairs, AVA Diplomatic reports.

Mr. Khansari made reference to the efforts of Tehran Chamber of Commerce in fight against corruption during the past two decades and referred to his office success in designing a national anti-corruption model which contains preventive strategy, operational practice and punitive measures against acts of such nature. He believed, not only the national anti-corruption model addresses its domestic requirements, but also, it does hold capacities to be presented at international level. He acknowledged the supportive policy of UNODC Iran on anti-corruption affairs and highlighted his office’s interest to expand level of cooperation.

Mr. Fedulov underlined the unique characteristics of UNODC Country Partnership Programme 2016-2019 in the Islamic Republic of Iran and called it a modernized document which has been prepared in line with the national policy, operational measures, domestic requirements and international developments. He praised the positive spirit and efforts of TCCIM in designing a domestic anti-corruption policy and developing sets of localized measures. Addressing importance of international relations, he expressed his Office’s willingness to bridge further talks between Iran and international community on anti-corruption matters. He highlighted the dynamic features of the Implementation Review Mechanism of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and promoted active participation of TCCIM in addressing requirements of the second cycle of the Review.


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