Our strategy is supporting JCPOA: France’s ambassador to Iran

 Our strategy is supporting JCPOA: France’s ambassador to Iran

French ambassador to Iran stressed that his country’s strategy on Iran nuclear deal and supporting it is clear and France believes that maintaining the deal is necessary for preserving global security, AVA Diplomatic reports.

“There are many issues about Iran nuclear deal known as Joint Comprehensive Plane of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and France. We agree with many of them but there are also some issues we don’t have agreement on them, but we are eager to discuss and solve them with the goal of maintaining JCPOA and reducing severe tensions in the region,” France’s ambassador to Iran, François Sénémaud said in a meeting with the deputy and aids of Sistan and Baluchestan governor.

In a travel to Zahedan, Sénémaud said, “One of our traits as a Security Council member is that we have a transparent and clear strategy and we explain this strategy to all partners and countries outside the region, just like French President Emmanuel Macron did in his meeting with his American counterpart Donald Trump”.

“France’s strategy on JCPOA and supporting it, is clear. Maintaining JCPOA is a necessary act for gobal security and we support the implementation of every single clause of it which includes improving economic situation for Iran”, he added.

Sénémaud noted, France’s president expressed his agreement with US over the future of JCPOA.

Some advisors in politics, trade, science and technology fields accompanied Mr. Sénémaud in his visit to Zahedan.

During the meeting with members of Sistan and Baluchestan Chamber of Commerce, areas of cooperation between two sides have been discussed and French companies and businesses are to cooperate and invest in renewable energy.


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