Iraqi agriculture minister visits northern province

 Iraqi agriculture minister visits northern province

Iraqi Agriculture Minister Fallah Hassan al-Zaidan arrived here in north of the country on Tuesday to visit different facilities relating to his field of activities, AVA Diplomatic reports.

He is to visit a number of fisheries, flower houses and industrial units producing diary and meat items.

Head of Mazandaran Agricultural Jihad Organization Delavar Heydarpour said that the Iraqi minister, during his 2-day stay in Mazandaran, will hold meetings with provincial officials and visit a number of agricultural industrial projects.

He told reporters on Monday that the aim of visit is to make use of the capacities of both countries in the field of agriculutre and export of high quality crops, get acquainted with the capabilities of the province in agriculture sector and research and launch scientific cooperation between the two countries, especially between Mazandaran and Karbala province in Iraq.

The Iraq ambassador to Tehran, deputy agricultural minister for technical affairs, director general for plant quarantine and director general ifor agricultural research will accompany Zaidan in his visit.

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