Field Mission to Jaban Village in Damavand

 Field Mission to Jaban Village in Damavand

The FAO Representation Office Team had a field mission to Jaban village located in Damavand city on 29 January 2014 to visit the IPM group including farmers and facilitators, MOJA Staff and other stakeholders who are working closely with the FAO Regional Integrated Pest Management Programme in the Near East GTFS/REM/070/ITA. At theopening session, Mr. Hossein Heidari, the National Project Director of the project introduced the IPM activities in the area and its impact on food safety, AVA Diplomatic reports.He explained that the Farmer Field School (FFS) programme in Damavand is impressive and the results are astonishing. He added that the programme started in 2010 through the FAO Regional IPM Project and has continued till today in full cooperation and coordination between FAO and the Provincial Agriculture Organization and the Extension office of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. Mr. Heidari also highlighted the current situation of the food market and IPM product and possible options for marketing of IPM commodities.

Afterwards, the member of the IPM group introduced themselves one by one and briefly described their roles in the implementation of IPM FFS activities in the area and also shared the lessons learnt.

Mr. Serge Nakouzi, FAO Representative ad interim reiterated his gratitude for the hospitality and generosity lent by the IPM Group. He pointed out the importance of the FAO Regional IPM project in Iran in promoting safe products and assisting the marketing component. He highlighted the main role of FAO and the Ministry together in enhancing a sustainable agriculture system respecting the environment, properly using the natural resources and improving livelihood of the local communities.

The visit was very well received and greatly appreciated by the participants and Mr. Nakouzi closed the workshop by thanking the participants.

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