UN will spare no effort to save Orumiyeh Lake: Envoy
Orumiyeh, June 26, AVA Diplomatic – United Nations resident representative to Iran Gary Lewis assured the Iranian nation and government that he will do its utmost to solve the critical situation facing Orumiyeh Lake.In a meeting with an advisor to the head of Department of Environment, he added, ˈit is not the West Azarbaijan people alone that are unhappy with the issue; rather we all are sad about the problem.ˈ A clip comparing the lakeˈs current situation with that of past was released during the event, which shocked the audience. As Orumiyeh Lake is shrinking and deserts of salt expanding, officials are trying to find ways to avert an imminent disaster and stop the salt lake from drying up. One of the largest salt lakes in the world and classified as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, Orumiyeh Lake has lost more than 60 percent of its surface over the last two decades due to drought and construction of dams over the rivers feeding it. The disappearance of the lake could leave behind billions of tons of salt which in turn would displace millions of people and endanger the ecosystem of all surrounding areas, whose economy relies on agriculture and tourism.