Deep bond between Iranian and Bosnia-Herzegovinian nations: Bosnia and Herzegovinian Envoy

 Deep bond between Iranian and Bosnia-Herzegovinian nations: Bosnia and Herzegovinian Envoy

Tehran International Book Fair’s House of Islamic Civilization and Awakening held a seminar on the role of culture in improving ties between Iran and Bosnia and Herzegovina, AVA Diplomatic reports.“Cultural cooperation between the two countries have seen a boost in the past two years; an instance of which to be mentioned is the Iranian Culture Week in Sarajevo which was warmly welcomed,” said Bosnia and Herzegovinian ambassador to Tehran, Emir Hadzikadunic.

“Furthermore, cultural institutes such as Avicenna and Iran’s Cultural attaché in Sarajevo played significant roles in expanding the bilateral ties,” he added.

The Bosnia and Herzegovinian envoy stressed the deep bond between the two nations and said the two people know each other well and this has provided the ground necessary for the expansion of cultural relations between the two countries.

“Bosnian people know about classical Iranian works of literature such as those of Hafiz and Sa’di and most of such works have been translated into the Bosnian language,” he reiterated while noting that translation of the two countries’ works can play an important role in the better understanding of the people and officials of the two countries from each other.

Later in the seminar, Mr. Abbasi of Avicenna in Sarajevo said one of the effective ways to improve relations between countries is through cultural relations because political ties might undergo fundamental change as governments and international circumstances change.

“After the Iraqi-imposed war, the two countries’ bilateral cultural activities have expanded in different ways among which the activities of the Golestan Persian Language College of Bosnia are worth noting”.

Saying a Persian to Bosnian dictionary has been written in recent years, he added that Avicenna is slated to develop a Bosnian to Persian dictionary in the near future.


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