Cultural Development Prevents the Spread of the Ideology of Terror

 Cultural Development Prevents the Spread of the Ideology of Terror

Saurabh kumar in his meeting with the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization stated: “The ideology of terror which is increasing in the world is extremely dangerous and certainly to prevent the spread of this ideology we require the development of religious and cultural exchanges”, AVA Diplomatic reports.

According to the Public Relations of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Saurabh kumar, Indian Ambassador to Iran attended in the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization on Tuesday, December 27 and met with Dr. Abouzar Ebrahimi Torkaman, the head of organization.

At the beginning of his speech, referring to the history of cultural relations between Iran and India, Dr. Ebrahimi Torkaman stated: “Based on the signing of official agreements between Iran and India, cultural relations between the two countries date back more than 60 years. But if we look at the history of relations between Iran and India, we see that our relations are much older”.

The head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization added: “In our literature, India is a country with rich civilization and cultural assets, so that all Iranian poets have mentioned India in a way in their poems”.

Referring to the approach of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization as the public diplomacy center of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Ebrahimi Torkaman continued: “Having 83 cultural representatives in 63 countries, this organization make its audiences become familiar with some parts of seven thousand years of ancient civilization of this country and the achievements of Irans Islamic Revolution in the form of various activities”.

Outlining some activities of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization such as interreligious dialogue, cultural dialogue, cultural week, movie week, the development of academic cooperation and cultural agreements, Dr. Ebrahimi Torkaman said: “The administrative process of organizations programs with other countries is done through signing cooperation agreements”.

Referring to his visit to Vatican City and participation in interreligious dialogue and meeting with Pope Francis, he added: “This organization has held many meetings between Muslim scholars and scholars from other religions of more than 30 countries about the challenges and problems of humans and has sent off various delegations to participate in the dialogue with other religions”.

Emphasizing on the need to strengthen the relations between Iran and India, the member of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution stated: “We know that with your effective presence as the Ambassador of India to Iran, relations and cooperation between the two countries especially in the field of culture will increase more than ever”.

Referring to the signing of cultural agreements between Iran and India, Dr. Ebrahimi Torkaman said: “The signing of cultural agreements with other countries and international organizations which are the base of cultural relations with other countries is one of the most important activities of this organization that fortunately, this important issue has been achieved between Iran and India”.

Referring to the presentation of violent and unrealistic image of religion by Takfiri groups, Dr. Ebrahimi Torkaman said: “Unfortunately, we are living in a period that world has considerably progressed in technology, but despite considerable progress in technology, ethics and culture have not much progressed. If there is no morality along with technology, naturally human develop ignorance like what we are facing now in the form of Takfiri groups”.

He added: “Today the presence of Takfiri groups has caused massive destruction worldwide, so we need to feel close to one another more than ever and strengthen cooperation that the fulfillment of this important issue needs the development of cultural relations”.

Stating that India is a symbol of peaceful life in the world, the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization added: “India should be mentioned as a country that has established tolerance between its people”.

Referring to the peaceful coexistence with religious minorities in Iran, the member of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution stated: “As diverse tribes are living in Iran, in addition to the establishment of fair relations between each other and peaceful coexistence, they also have the right to be represented in the Islamic Consultative Assembly”.

At the end of his speech, the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization stated: “We are trying to sign cooperation agreements between the two countries and pave the way to implement them by necessary cooperation”.

Iran and India Two Countries with Ancient Civilization

Expressing satisfaction of positive relations between Iran and India, Saurabh kumar stated: “Iran and India have had historical relations from the old past and their relations will continue. Iran and India are two countries with ancient civilization that their people can live together easily”.

Referring to cultural agreements signed between the two countries, the Indian ambassador to Iran said: “We are looking for the implementation of cultural agreements and as the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization plays a major role in this field, the implementation of this important issue needs to be pursued seriously”.

He added: “We believe that the development of cultural relations between two countries could improve the understanding of two nations from each other and promote the relations between them; in addition, the development of cultural relations can lead to the strengthening of economic and political relations”.

Inviting the head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization on behalf of the Director General of Indian Council for Cultural Relations to participate in Cultural Relations Conference in India, Saurabh kumar said: “This conference will be held to examine cultural relations through which cooperation between Iran and India will be addressed”.

At the end of his speech, emphasizing on fighting with and preventing terrorist acts and extremist groups, Saurabh kumar stated: “The ideology of terror which is increasing in the world is extremely dangerous and certainly to prevent the spread of this ideology we require the development of religious and cultural exchanges”.


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