Mini Dublin Group (MDG) Visit to Permanent Exhibition Of Anti-Narcotics Police Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran

 Mini Dublin Group (MDG) Visit to Permanent Exhibition Of Anti-Narcotics Police Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with the Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) and Anti-Narcotics Police (ANP) of the Islamic Republic of Iran organized a visit for the MDG focal points and senior diplomats to the permanent exhibition Centre of the Anti-Narcotics Police on 16 January 2019 to show a sample of drug control measures that has been conducted by the Islamic Republic of Iran, AVA Diplomatic reports.

The visit aimed to familiarize the participants with the type of drugs available in the region as well as the drug control measures undertaken for both border management and countering drug trafficking.

The visit aimed to familiarize diplomatic community in Iran with drug control measures undertaken by the Government of Iran through border management and countering to drug trafficking and to present information on illicit drugs available in the region.

Chief Commander of Anti-Narcotics Police, Brigadier General Zahedian, while receiving the diplomatic mission, wished the visit would raise the knowledge of the diplomatic missions on Iran’s role in the fight against drug trafficking. He stated: “the problems pertinent to drugs are not problems of a sole country but are global problems which should be of concern to all members of global community. We hope that together we will be able to fight drugs and this goal cannot be reached unless we are together.”

Iran remains as one of the major transit route for drug trafficking from Afghanistan to European countries. UNODC has built a strong partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in several areas including capacity building for the Iranian law enforcements and has been providing technical assistance to the Iranian Government in their fight against illicit trafficking of drugs and precursors.

During the Exhibition, Head of Research Office of the Anti-Narcotics Police, Dr. Feyzbakhsh guided the participants through the exhibition providing them with information on different types of drugs, trafficking methods, concealment methods, drug seizures, electronic control and physical barriers used at the eastern borders.

UNODC Iran Country Representative, Mr. Alexander Fedulov, while acknowledging the efforts made by the Iranian ANP and law enforcement in fighting against organized crime drug networks and serious operatives, expressed UNODC Iran’s readiness to expand technical assistance and cooperation with the Iranian government and thanked diplomatic missions for continuous cooperation.

The event was organized as part of the activities foreseen in the framework of the Sub-programme 1 “Border Management and Illicit Trafficking” of UNODC Country Partnership Programme (2015-2019) for the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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