One-Day workshop on the UN, its Trade and Financial Organizations, Youth and Entrepreneurship

 One-Day workshop on the UN, its Trade and Financial Organizations, Youth and Entrepreneurship

The United Nation Information Centre (UNIC) supported a workshop organized by the NGO “Non-Stop Event”, the Iranian Association for United Nations Studies (IAUNS) and Department for Youth Affairs of Tehran Province Sport and Youth Office, which was held at the UN conference room for some 30 members of the NGOs, students and entrepreneurs, AVA Diplomatic reports.

UNIC National Information Officer Mr. Mohammad Moghadam opened the session and after his welcoming words, he introduced the UN and its history, the main organs and some basic facts about this international organization.

Then UNIC Reference Assistant Ms Nazanin Ghaemmaghami held “Finding UN information through the UN website” workshop in two separate sessions. She introduced the UN youth forum that was held on 30 May 2018 by the UN General Assembly during which the United Nations representatives and its Member States diplomats listened to the ideas, needs and concerns of young people on bridging education and skills training with employment in the 21st century. Then she introduced International Year of Youth, International Youth Day as well as World Youth Skills Day.

There was a focus on United Nations Economic and Social Council and Engaging youth: ECOSOC Youth Forum as well as some specialized agencies such as International Labour Organization (ILO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), International Trade Centre (ITC) and World Trade Organization (WTO).

During the afternoon session, Dr Mehdi Ghasemi from the Iranian Association for United Nations Studies delivered a speech on “UN economic capacities with a focus on Economic and Social Council.” The workshop was concluded with a Q & A session.

The Cultural Deputy of the Department for Youth Affairs of Tehran Province Sport and Youth Office Ms Omolbanin Golmohammadi found the programme very useful for the young Iranians and hoped that her office can have more training sessions with the UNIC. The organizer of the session from “Non-Stop Event” Mr Sajed Nickmehr also thanked UNIC and expressed the satisfaction of his own and the participants.

Persian copies of UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN System Chart were distributed among the participants.


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