Afghan attache dismisses rumors on Iranian goods import ban

 Afghan attache dismisses rumors on Iranian goods import ban

Commercial Attaché of Afghanistan Embassy to Iran has dismissed the rumors about a ban placed on the import of Iranian goods to Afghanistan, AVA Diplomatic reports.

The embassy diplomat stressed that Afghanistan market is open to Iranian products.

He maintained that there are temporary restrictions placed on the import of all products into Afghanistan, due to some changes and reforms undertaken by the newly appointed caretaker to Afghanistan ministry of finance, adding that the goods which are under import restriction through Abu Nasr Farahi border, can be imported into Afghanistan via Milak and Dogharoun borders, instead.

In this regard, regular expert-level sessions are being held in Tehran between the Head of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) for Afghanistan Affairs Mehdi Javanmard Ghasab and Commercial Attaché of Afghanistan Embassy to Tehran, based on which, trade and business issues, as well as strategies for the development of bilateral relations, will be discussed.


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