Briefing about the UN and UN-Iran Partnership at Kashan University

 Briefing about the UN and UN-Iran Partnership at Kashan University

International Scientific Cooperation Office of University of Kashan and UN Information Centre (UNIC) held another outreach activity to raise awareness on UN, UN-Iran partnership and Sustainable Development Goals on 28 February 2017, AVA Diplomatic reports.

During workshop on “Finding UN Information and Documentation” more than 150 professors and students of law and some other fields learned how to navigate UN web site.

The UNIC Reference Assistant Ms. Nazanin Ghaemmaghami-Farahani, who conducted this workshop, elaborated on some basic facts about the UN and briefed the audience about history of the UN, United Nations Charter and role of Iran as the founding member of the UN.

The participants learned how to find UN information on the UNIC, and the UN websites. Web pages of the main organs of the UN and retrieval of General Assembly and Security Council resolutions were introduced to them. They also got familiar with Sustainable Development Summit 2015, 2030 agenda, Sustainable Development Goals especially Goal 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

The exhibition of historic photos and documents illustrating more than 71 years of UN-Iran partnership was inaugurated by the UNIC Director, Dr. Maria Dotsenko and authorities of University of Kashan.

This exhibition is a joint project of the UN Information Centre and the MFA Centre for Documents and History of Diplomacy and is supported by IRNA news agency and Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies.

UNIC Director briefed the audience about the important role of Iran in establishment and strengthening of the UN and its current contributions to the promotion of peace and sustainable development. Guests were toured around the exhibition.

At the end of the programme there was a meeting in the office of the chancellor of the University Dr. Abbas Zera’at. The professors participating in the workshop and the ones who visited the historic exhibition including Dr. Mehdi Dasht-e Bozorgi as the organizer of the session, thanked UNIC and hoped to have more cooperation with the Centre.


UN-Iran Partnership exhibition visitors

Persian translations of the UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the posters with the UN system chart and SDGs were distributed to the participants.


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